Sistem dualnog obrazovanja iz oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije

Tema projekta je projektovanje metodologije i plana praktične obuke za tri kompanije, članice klastera Dunđer, u sistemu dualnog obrazovanja iz oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije. Pravlјenjem ankete među članicama klastera Dunđer ustanovlјeno je da 50 odsto poslodavaca ima problem da nađe radnika sa potrebnim veštinama kako među svojim zaposlenim tako i među nezaposlenim na birou rada. Osim toga poslodavci su istakli da bi radije ulagali u praktično obrazovanje postojećih zaposlenih, čime bi im povećali privrženost firmi, nego da od početka edukuju nekog nezaposlenog, bez ikakvog iskustva. Potreba za dodatnim obukama zaposlenih, koje nisu deo formalnog sistema obrazovanja, već su praktične obuke uočena je u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije. Ove tri oblasti su prepoznate kao prosperitetne u građevinskom sektoru, gde se može izvršiti povezivanje privrede sa naučno-obrazovnim i razvojnim institucijama, uspostavlјanjem dualnog obrazovanja radi unapređivanja proizvodnih procesa i procedura kroz implementaciju naučnih dostignuća i unapređenje kompetencija zaposlenih. U tu svrhu je potrebno napraviti pojedinačni plan i program praktičnih obuka prilagođen svakoj konkretnoj firmi i njenim kapacitetima i potrebama u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije. Za izvršenje ovih planova biće angažovani najbolјi stručnjaci iz ovih oblasti. Za kraj projekta je planiran vorkšop kroz koji će se predstaviti rezultati i disemnicaija projekta.

Opšti cilј

Povezivanje privrede sa naučno-obrazovnim i razvojnim institucijama, uspostavlјanjem dualnog obrazovanja radi unapređivanja proizvodnih procesa i procedura kroz implementaciju naučnih dostignuća i unapređenje kompetencija zaposlenih.

Specifični cilјevi

Primena dualnog modela obrazovanja kroz prilagođavanje obrazovnih profila u građevinskom sektoru potrebama privrednika niškog regiona u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije

Projektovanje planova praktične obuke za osposoblјavanje zaposlenih iz tri kompanije u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije, i solarne energije kod postojećih poslodavaca

Podizanje kompetitivnosti privrednika niškog regiona u građevinskom sektoru kroz ojačanje lјudskih resursa odgovarajućim deficitarnim kadrovima

Krajnji korisnici projekta su tri kompanije, članice građevinskog klastera Dunđer, i njihovi zaposleni, zatim, predstavnici naučno-istraživačke institucije kao i cela lokalna zajednica.

Zaposleni će dobiti razrađene planove praktične obuke, na osnovu kojih će kasnije u preduzeću, u kome će biti na obuci, ostati i dalјe da rade, jer kompanije radije ulažu u svog zaposlenog koga, kroz obuku na radnom mestu, profilišu prema svom poslovnom procesu, nego u prekvalifikaciju nekoga sa tržišta rada. Privrednici dobijaju na kvalitetu postojeće radne snage a samim tim podižu svoju kompetitivnost i ne moraju da traže izvan svoje firme potrebne profile. Predstavnici naučno-istraživačke institucije pospešuju saradnju nauke i privrede, a lokalna zajednica dobija privrednike, koji su u potpunosti u skladu sa potrebama tržišta.


Izvršen uvid, na bazi istraživanja, o potrebama za praktičnim obukama unutar kompanija klastra Dunđer

Napravlјen nastavni plan izvođenja praktične obuke u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije i solarne energije za zaposlene u kompaniji Vagres

Napravlјen nastavni plan izvođenja praktične obuke u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije i solarne energije za zaposlene u kompaniji Kapaprojekt

Napravlјen nastavni plan izvođenja praktične obuke u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, ekologije i solarne energije za zaposlene u kompaniji Deltaelektronik

Održan završni vorkšop sa predstavlјanjem rezultata projekta

 The topic of the project is the design of the methodology and practical training plan for the three companies, members of the Danube Cluster, in the dual education system in the field of energy efficiency, ecology, and solar energy. By making a survey among Dundjer clusters, 50 percent of employers find it difficult to find workers with the necessary skills both among their employees and among the unemployed at the labor office. In addition, employers emphasized that they would rather invest in the practical training of existing employees, which would increase their commitment to companies, but from the beginning to educate some unemployed, without any experience. The need for additional training for employees, which are not part of the formal education system, but practical training has been seen in the field of energy efficiency, ecology, and solar energy. These three areas are recognized as prosperous in the construction sector, where it is possible to connect the economy with the scientific and educational institutions and development institutions, by establishing dual education in order to improve production processes and procedures through the implementation of scientific achievements and improving the competencies of employees. For this purpose, it is necessary to create an individual plan and program of practical training tailored to each specific company and its capacities and needs in the field of energy efficiency, ecology, and solar energy. The best experts in these areas will be engaged in the implementation of these plans. For the end of the project, a plan is planned through which the results and disaggregation of the project will be presented.
General goal
Linking the economy with scientific and educational institutions, establishing dual education in order to improve production processes and procedures through the implementation of scientific achievements and improving the competencies of employees.
Specific objectives
Application of the dual model of education through adapting educational profiles in the construction sector to the needs of the businessman of the Niš region in the field of energy efficiency, ecology, and solar energy
Designing practical training plans for training employees from three companies in the field of energy efficiency, ecology, and solar energy with existing employers
Raising the competitiveness of the businessmen of the Nis region in the construction sector through strengthening of human resources with the appropriate deficit staff
The final beneficiaries of the project are three companies, members of the construction cluster Dunđer, and their employees, then representatives of the scientific and research institution as well as the entire local community.
The employees will receive elaborated practical training plans, based on which they will later continue to work in the company, where they will continue to work, because companies prefer to invest in their employee, through training in the workplace, profiling according to their business process, but to re-qualify someone from the labor market. Businessmen gain on the quality of the existing workforce and thus raise their competitiveness and do not have to look beyond the required profile of their company. Representatives of the scientific and research institutions promote the cooperation of science and economy, and the local community receives businessmen, who are fully in line with the needs of the market.
A survey was carried out, based on research, on the needs for practical training within cluster Dundjer companies
A curriculum for practical training in the field of energy efficiency, ecology and solar energy for the employees of Vagres
A curriculum for practical training in the field of energy efficiency, ecology and solar energy for the employees of Kapaprojekt
A curriculum for the practical training in the field of energy efficiency, ecology and solar energy for the employees of Deltaelektronik
The final workshop was held with the presentation of the results of the project