Građevinski klaster DUNĐER je učestvovao kao partner na jednogodišnjem  projektu “RAZVOJ METODOLOGIJE ZA OBRAČUN KAPACITETA MALE SOLARNE ELEKTRANE I NJENA PRIMENA NA RASPOLOŽIVIM KROVNIM POVRŠINAMA”, odobren od strane Ministarstva ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja

Construction Cluster DUNDJER has implemented one year project “DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY CAPACITY OF SMALL SOLAR POWER PLANT AND ITS APPLICATION ON AVAILABLE PROJECTED ROOF AREA”, approved and co-financed by Ministry of Economy and Regional Development.

A    Prikuplјanje podataka o solarnim potencijalima krovova zgrada podrazumeva izradu, distribuiranje i pounjavanje obrazaca kod članica klastera o krovnim površinama zgrada i njihovim odgovarajućim solarnim karakteristikama. Zatim bi usledila dalјa obrada ovih podataka i kreiranje interaktivne baze podataka sa internet podrškom i SQL pristupom PV energetskim kapacitetima krovova zgrada klastera.

B    Postavlјanje sistema za izbor solarnih panela treba da objedini kriterijume koji se tiču klimatskih uslova, orjentacije zgrade, prilagođavanje izbora između kristalnih i amorfnih solarnih panela, invertora i data logera, kao i elektro-instalacione mreže saglasno zahtevima zgrade i da definiše izbor najoptimalnijeg rešenja, koje bi zadovolјavalo sve kriterijume.

 V    Predmeri i predračuni za instalaciju  mini PV solarnih elektrana daje uputstva za najoptimalniji odnos ulaganja i opremu potrebnu za instalaciju mini solarne elektrane, koja se tiču broja, veličine i tipa solarnih panela, elektro-instalacije, akumulatorske stanice i same noseće konstrukcije mini elektrane.

G    Razrada šema i dokumentacije za pilot mini PV solarne elektrane (tehnički crteži, uputstva za montažu, upotrebu) treba da, prilagođavajući šeme napajanja EU direktivama, primeni iskustva vodećih proizvođača solarne opreme za ON GRID i OF GRID mini PV solarne, kao i za centralizovani i decentralizovani sistem prikuplјanja solarnre energije.

  D    Izrada dokumentacije i studije izvodlјivosti za instalaciju mini PV solarne elektrane podrazumeva tehno-ekonomsku analizu razvijenih prototipova mini solarnih elektrana, kao i analizu tržišta u Srbiji i regionu, skup merenja, obradu rezultata, i uporednu analizu energetske efikasnosti zgrade na kojoj bi bila instalirana mini PV elektrana, kao i analizu uticaja primene navedenih tehnologija i razvijenih prototipova na životnu sredinu.

Đ    VORKŠOP o malim solarnim elektranama lociranim na krovovima zgrada treba da sublimira rezultate projekta i da predstavi velikom broju zainteresovanih elektro-energetski potencijal krovova zgrada za instalaciju mini PV solarnih elektrana

E    Obuka 5 projektanata za proračun predmera kapaciteta zgrade za solarnu elektranu ima za cilј da obuči projektante da brzo, efikasno i precizno mogu odrediti elektro-energetski kapacitet krova zgrade i tip i snagu mini elektrane koja bi zadovolјavala potrebe zgrade za električnom energijom

A Collection of data on solar potentials of roofs of buildings implies the creation, distribution and layout of forms for cluster members on the roof surfaces of buildings and their corresponding solar characteristics. Then there will be further processing of these data and creation of an interactive database with Internet support and SQL access to PV energy capacities of roofs of cluster buildings.

B The installation of a solar panel selection system should combine criteria relating to climatic conditions, building orientation, adjustment of choices between crystalline and amorphous solar panels, inverters and data loggers, as well as electrical installations according to the requirements of the building, and to define the choice of the most optimal solution, which would meet all the criteria.

In the Diagrams and Forecasts for the installation of Mini PV Solar Power Plants, instructions are given for the most optimal investment ratio and equipment needed for the installation of a mini solar power plant, concerning the number, size and type of solar panels, electrical installations, battery cells and the supporting structure of the mini power plant itself.

G The development of schemes and documentation for the pilot mini PV solar power plant (technical drawings, instructions for assembly, use) should, by adapting the EU power supply schemes, apply the experience of the leading solar equipment manufacturers for ON GRID and OF GRID PV PV solar as well as centralized and a decentralized solar energy collection system.

D The documentation and feasibility study for the installation of a mini PV solar power plant involves a techno-economic analysis of the developed prototypes of mini solar power plants, as well as a market analysis in Serbia and the region, a set of measurements, the processing of results, and a comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of the building on which the mini PV plant, as well as an analysis of the impact of the application of these technologies and developed prototypes on the environment.

Ð WORKSHOP about small solar power plants located on roofs of buildings should sublimate the results of the project and present to a large number of interested electro-energy potential roofs of buildings for installing mini PV solar power plants

E Training 5 designers for calculating the capacity of a building for a solar power plant aims to train designers to quickly, efficiently and accurately determine the electro-energy capacity of the roof of the building and the type and power of a mini power plant that would meet the needs of the building for electricity.